Fairmount Park Ecosystems

General Information
Program/Project Name: Fairmount Park Ecosystems

Funding Category: Creating a Sustainable Philadelphia

Program Description
Federal Grant Name: ARRA Forest Service Grant

Programs Supported Through Funding: Canopy Assessment, Analysis and Management—Characterizing land cover throughout Fairmount Park through research, as well as developing a tree asset management system to better manage the street trees.
Ecosystem Restoration and Management—Focusing on restoring and maintaining Park natural areas, such as forests and meadows.
Job Training—Expanding opportunities to work in the park for young adults and college and recent college graduates.

Why Apply for this Grant?
Program Objectives
Use of Funds:
The grant will help Fairmount Park move toward a more stable, functional and sustainable ecosystem through a variety of projects which will help us understand our system, restore critical areas, and train and engage our citizens to be active participants in the ongoing management of our parks.

Grant Achievements for the Quarter: Progress on the ARRA Natural Lands Restoration Project sites has continued during the summer months.   A second phase of restoration projects began in August, including the Schuylkill Banks site, removing invasive trees and shrubs and hazard trees within an approximately 1.3 acre project site. Following project completion, the site was hydroseeded to stabilize.  Work is nearing completion at the second site, the  Roxborough Reservoir, which involved the removal of invasive trees and shrubs from an approximately 3.2 acre project site.  In addition approximately 3000 linear feet of deer fencing as well as 4 pedestrian gates and 2 truck gates have been installed at the Andorra Meadow site.   In preparation for the fall planting of the restoration project sites procurement of approximately 11,000 potted (#1 to #15 gallon container) Philadelphia native trees and shrubs was completed.

Actual # of FTE jobs created for the quarter*:

Q8: 7.40

Q9: 2.73

Q10: 7.83

*In the City of Philadelphia’s quarterly federal report, also know as Section 1512 reports, jobs are calculated based on hours worked, instead of the number of people at work. It also looks only at jobs funded directly by the Recovery Act, and does not include jobs created indirectly. Direct jobs are counted quarterly and are not cumulative.

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